I see monsters

Once, there was a family. That family was fairly normal, two parents with one boy and one girl for children. They lived a happy life.
One day, the boy who was called Frank, was acting strange. At family dinner, he was frequently shaking, sometimes letting out a little squeak. The parents thought nothing of this; they thought it was child's play. The girl, called Annie, thought different.
After dinner, Annie pulled Frank to the Living Room, to discuss his behaviour at dinner. She was worried. She asked Frank what was going one, for which Frank replied; "I see monsters.", and with that, Frank left the room to go to sleep, leaving Annie utterly baffled.
The same occurrence happened at night, from Frank's room, there could be shaking and minor squeaks heard. The next day, everything was normal. Except Annie's jukebox was all scratched up, the wood turned into splinters.
This continued, each night, shaking and squeaking, and an object destroyed. After about a week, the parents noticed. They decided that they would keep alert, especially on Frank.
That same night, when everyone woke up, Annie went into Frank's room and screamed. Frank wasn't there, and all Annie saw was blood stains in the shape of the body on the bed sheets and across the walls, the words "I see monsters" were written in blood.
The parents contacted the police, but the police called it staged and forgot them. The next night, Annie disappeared, with blood stains in the shape of a body on her sheets and "I see more monsters" on her wall.
Years later, a man in his mid thirties was found insane on a road side, insisting on everyone that the end was coming. He was put into a mental asylum. That night, the security guard at the asylum entered the mans room and found a dead body. The dead body was of the man, he was smiling, with this eyes open and slits on his arms. On the walls, a message read; "The monsters took me".